Infirmary Reconstruction Breaking Ground
Only $9,000 Left to Go!
Jess Wajbel
Tiamalia 1996

Following a massive fundraising and planning effort, permits are now in hand and ground will break on the new infirmary and craft room project next week! There is still a need for $9,000 in additional funds to pay for the project’s completion. Donations can be made online here.

Ever since the rebuilding effort following the bungalow fire of May 2015, long-needed infrastructure developments at Nyoda have been put on hold. The fire rebuilding effort consumed funds that had been earmarked for other infrastructure developments, particularly the building of a new infirmary and craft room.

Since then the Nyoda Alumnae Association (NAA) has picked up the effort to fundraise. The fundraising communication effort kickstarted around the 100 year reunion and has continued with letters to alumnae and emails to current camper families. This past July, the NAA webpage launched, offering alumnae the ability to donate funds electronically. Throughout the summer, alumna Tracy (MacDonald) Bermeo (Tia. 1985) spoke to families about current needs at a fundraising booths set up on Visiting Days. All of these efforts have paid off significantly, and all that is left to fully fund the reconstruction project is $9,000! Donations continue to be accepted online or by mail. We thank all who have contributed funds and efforts to this important Nyoda project.