Small group lessons of 30–45 minutes are available as an extra sign up.
Riders can choose English or Western saddles, and begin with walking and directing a horse, progressing up through cantering.
Basics of horse care including bathing, grooming, and tacking are also part of the program. A very popular activity!

Learn to paddle a canoe, row a boat, kayak or paddleboard around the lake! Take a friend or go it alone!
Instruction from counselors teaches new boaters how to Indian paddle, swamp, and tie a boating knot. If you are already seaworthy, you can enjoy the peacefulness of a quiet paddle.
All boaters wear a PFD at all times.

Dance on the grass with bare feet! A mixed bag of modern, jazz, ballet, and touch of hip hop every now and then, the Dance department is a fun and busy place every day.
Campers practice for a performance every Visiting Day to showcase the hard work everyone has put into learning new moves to popular songs.

A rarity… a clay court! A great department for beginning tennis players with games and tasks to improve skills on the court.
There’s time for players of all levels to practice and play every day. The tennis tournament enables campers of similar ability to play short matches in different brackets to find the Number One tennis player of the summer!

Swimming is the one mandatory department. We value swimming as a life skill, and we produce beautiful swimmers!
All counselors on the swimming dock are life guards and teach the approved Red Cross swimming levels.
Although lake swimming is new for many of the girls, it gives us a great place to play as well as learn on a hot day.

Three targets at different distances test an archer’s skill!
The uniqueness of this department appeals to many girls who look forward to winning the Katniss Everdeen Award! It takes many summers of practice to pass through all twelve increasingly difficult levels!

Are you a drama queen? Like to learn about costumes, makeup and back stage organization? Our Dramatics department is there for you!
There are many opportunities to perform throughout the summer as you explore the many facets of drama.

Handmade items are the best! The Arts and Crafts department has different things every day to appeal to everyone.
From Tie-dye to beads to watercolor paintings and picture frames, crafts brings out the artistic side in everyone.

At Nyoda we believe there is great value in being outdoors, enjoying, appreciating and learning about nature’s beauty.
That is exactly what we provide in our Outdoor Adventures program.
The girls hike, build shelters, learn how to make cooking fires and camp fires,do nature crafts, as well as learn about the natural world around us.

Small group lessons of 30–45 minutes are available as an extra sign up.
Riders can choose English or Western saddles, and begin with walking and directing a horse, progressing up through cantering.
Basics of horse care including bathing, grooming, and tacking are also part of the program. A very popular activity!

Learn to paddle a canoe, row a boat, kayak or paddleboard around the lake! Take a friend or go it alone!
Instruction from counselors teaches new boaters how to Indian paddle, swamp, and tie a boating knot. If you are already seaworthy, you can enjoy the peacefulness of a quiet paddle.
All boaters wear a PFD at all times.

Dance on the grass with bare feet! A mixed bag of modern, jazz, ballet, and touch of hip hop every now and then, the Dance department is a fun and busy place every day.
Campers practice for a performance every Visiting Day to showcase the hard work everyone has put into learning new moves to popular songs.

A rarity… a clay court! A great department for beginning tennis players with games and tasks to improve skills on the court.
There’s time for players of all levels to practice and play every day. The tennis tournament enables campers of similar ability to play short matches in different brackets to find the Number One tennis player of the summer!

Swimming is the one mandatory department. We value swimming as a life skill, and we produce beautiful swimmers!
All counselors on the swimming dock are life guards and teach the approved Red Cross swimming levels.
Although lake swimming is new for many of the girls, it gives us a great place to play as well as learn on a hot day.

Three targets at different distances test an archer’s skill!
The uniqueness of this department appeals to many girls who look forward to winning the Katniss Everdeen Award! It takes many summers of practice to pass through all twelve increasingly difficult levels!

Are you a drama queen? Like to learn about costumes, makeup and back stage organization? Our Dramatics department is there for you!
There are many opportunities to perform throughout the summer as you explore the many facets of drama.

Handmade items are the best! The Arts and Crafts department has different things every day to appeal to everyone.
From Tie-dye to beads to watercolor paintings and picture frames, crafts brings out the artistic side in everyone.

At Nyoda we believe there is great value in being outdoors, enjoying, appreciating and learning about nature’s beauty.
That is exactly what we provide in our Outdoor Adventures program.
The girls hike, build shelters, learn how to make cooking fires and camp fires,do nature crafts, as well as learn about the natural world around us.